State Approved Assisted Living Managers Online Course

Are you a New Assisted Living Manager Needing to Acquire Your Certification? Check out this Online Certification Training and Supporting Resources

If you need to acquire your Assisted Living Manager’s Certification, here is what you need to do next! A South Dakota Assisted Living Administrator carries significant responsibility for ensuring the health and safety of its residents by establishing policies and procedures that enable its providers and staff to give excellent care, mitigate risks for the facility, contain costs, and meet state and local regulatory requirements. Relias, along with SDALA and DOH have developed South Dakota Assisted Living Administrator Certification Training plan (WRITE THIS DOWN: to get the offered price YOU MUST enter promo code SDHCASAVE when you register) to help ensure that AL administrators have access to quality training that covers a variety of important topics for administrators at assisted living facilities. For $395, you can earn your South Dakota Assisted Living Administrator’s Certification. This course includes online only training. Questions can be directed to or